It is our experience that few organisations investigate safety incidents in the most effective way. Properly carried out and followed up, effective incident investigation will, over time, produce a reduction in incident numbers and incident severity.
Really effective incident investigation identifies and addresses root causes which ensure incidents do not recur. However, it goes beyond this in two main ways. Firstly, it considers whether similar incidents could happen and puts in place preventive measures for these similar incidents. Secondly, it ensures that lessons learned from the investigation are passed to all parts of the organisation that would benefit from the lessons.
RiskChase have many years of experience of investigating incidents, teaching incident investigation and developing incident investigation procedures for organisations. This experience, together with our legal and regulatory knowledge, expertise in management systems such as AS 4801, and appreciation of workplace psychology gives us a unique profile in working with organisations to improve incident investigations.
Customised training in incident investigation
The course focuses on the key practical skills required for best practice investigations with supporting briefings on the essential human factors and psychological concepts that underpin this best practice. The content and duration can be adapted so that the course can be delivered for those with no or little training or experience, or tailored to address the specific improvement areas that have been identified.
Customised mentoring in incident investigation
RiskChase can provide expert mentoring for individuals or groups to enhance their skills in investigation techniques. Our flexible approach can include working with managers and/or safety professionals to review and upgrade your incident investigation procedure and practices. This mentoring can be provided as a follow-up to formal training or as a stand-alone process. As appropriate the mentoring will involve: face-to-face sessions with the mentor, review of both internal and external case-studies and telephone support.