Organisations have a responsibility to ensure that their operations are carried out in a manner that reduces ongoing losses and minimises the risk of catastrophic loss. Management is also tasked with the responsibility to comply with legislation including Trades Practice Act, Occupational Health & Safety and Environmental legislation. RiskChase consultants can determine the most cost effective method of managing such risks and have been responsible for the implementation of risk management programs in a variety of organisations.
Examples of organisational risk management reviews include:
State Government Department
This review involved the identification of all non-financial risks including property protection, environmental, OHS and legal liability issues. It also covered recommendations to improve the management of risk including statistical information and internal organisational changes.
Power Utility
This was a detailed review of risk across this major electrical distribution utility. The final report recommended changes to structures and enhancements to the existing program.
General cargo port
A review of OHS, environmental and legal liability issues relating to one of the major ports in Asia. The ongoing project involves the implementation of a complete Risk Management program including training of personnel, preparation of KPI`s and Benchmarking to similar activities in Australia.
In all these projects the consultants have worked closely with the existing Risk Manager to ensure that the final report involves the organisation’s personnel to achieve the best possible environment for the successful implementation of the recommendations.