RiskChase consulting services provides organisations with access to risk management and OHS services that integrate with existing in-house services or provide an alternative for smaller organisations.
All our consultants are academically qualified and have worked with large corporate organisations ensuring that solutions are practical and can be implemented across your organisation.
Whilst WHS and other governance issues are often seen as reactive and costly where more is definitely better we believe that WHS and other controls should be cost effective and integrated into the way you do your business. Our experience with a large number of both large and small organisations means that we can implement a solution that fits your industry and culture.
RiskChase also offer a variety of software and other products to assist you meet governance requirements.
RiskChase is a small consultancy specializing in Work, Health & Safety and other significant operational risks associated with any organization.
Due to our size your organization will receive assistance from one of our principal consultants all of whom have had experience in a combination of large multinationals, public sector & smaller private sector organisations.
RiskChase consultants work for you and equate your success with ours.
With RiskChase you pay for our experience not our name.
Workplace Health & Safety has suffered in the past few years as a lightning rod for waste and over regulation in both this country and particularly in the UK where our existing style of legislation was originally enacted in 1974. Read More
Have you read Atul Gawande’s “The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right”? Gawande writes about the how we humans–including those among us who spend decades training, practicing, applying our skills–are no match for the complexity of the modern world. But we think we are. Read More
RiskChase have been involved in a number of DSA relating to
Parramatta Council employed RiskChase to carry out a review of water
Following a fatal accident a major retailer approached RiskChase to design
Training in risk assessment is critical to any organisation’s implementation of