Outsourcing WHS

In these financially challenging times it is not always feasible for a business to employ the number of health and safety professionals it really needs or the highly experienced safety manager or director who can command a high salary. Using experts on a consultancy basis can also be unsatisfactory, especially when you need continuity in an evolving situation or there are repetitive audit or assessment tasks where the maintenance of a standard is best achieved by having one individual carry out all the work.

At RiskChase we recognise the reality of these situations and we can often provide the people required to undertake these roles on a cost effective basis.

In particular we are able to assist companies who require:

  • non-executive directors with expertise in health and safety
  • non-employed, part-time safety directors or managers
  • part-time health and safety managers
  • experienced individuals to set up and undertake audits or workplace inspections
  • contracted health, safety and environmental support


Clients increasingly recognise that a cost-effective means of addressing specific health and safety management requirements is to partner with an external supplier such as RiskChase.
The formation of such a partnership means that we provide appropriate levels of service and back-up to your in-house resource, however large or small that may be.